Insurance Service

The world we live in is full of uncertainties and risks. Individuals, families, businesses, properties, and assets are exposed to different types and levels of risks. These include the risk of losses of life, health, assets, property, etc. Reduces the risk but it is also giving handsome returns to the insured. Talk about any insurance Health or LIFE or Business every insurance is important to all of us. With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of insurance investment has further grown 

Through Tax Shark India, we are providing you with a bouquet of insurance policies. Our experts will after understanding your needs and financial conditions, guide you on the best insurance cover for you and your family.

Insurance for health/investment/term can start as cheap as Rs 500 per month.

Share your interest in policy you are looking for you to arrange a call back from our expert

Frequently Asked Questions

Health insurance comes with attractive tax benefits as an added incentive. There is an exclusive section of the Income Tax Act which provides tax benefits for health insurance, which is Section 80D.
Individuals can claim a maximum deduction of Rs 25,000 for insurance premium for self, spouse and dependent children. Individuals can claim a maximum deduction of up to Rs 50,000, if paying a premium for (i) self, spouse, dependent children, and for (ii) parents below 60 years of age

Age is a major factor that determines the premium, the older you are the premium cost will be higher because you are more prone to illnesses. Previous medical history is another major factor that determines the premium. If no prior medical history exists, premium will automatically be lower

You must check and see whether or not there is availability of guarantee of return, what the lock in period is, details of premium to be paid, what would be implications of premium default, what the revival conditions are what the policy terms are, what are the charges that would be deducted, would loan be available

A.Third Party Liability insurance is mandatory for all vehicles plying on public roads in India. This covers Liability for injuries and damages to others that you are responsible for. In addition, it is prudent to cover loss or damages to the vehicle itself by way of Comprehensive/Package policy, which covers both “Liability” as well as “Own damage” to the insured vehicle.

If a CNG / LPG kit is fitted in the vehicle, the (Road Transport Authority (RTA) office where the vehicle was registered should be informed so that they make a note of the change in the registration certificate (RC) of the vehicle. The insurance company should also be informed so that the kit is covered on payment of extra premium on the value of the kit under “OD” section and also under “LO” section.

The most popular is the Standard Fire & Allied Perils policy which covers most of the perils the property is exposed to like fire, riots, flood, and storm. Loss of current assests due to burglary and theft can be covered under a Burglary & House Breaking Insurance Policy. Valuables can be covered under All Risks Policies and there are package policies for house owners and shopkeepers.