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Response to Trademark Objection
Filing for Objection raised against the Trademark Application for ₹3,689/- Only (Inclusive of Government Fees and taxes)
When the Trade Mark Registrar issues an opposition to trademark registration, the applicant is given the opportunity to respond in writing to the objection. The applicant’s response to the Trademark Examination Report should include explanations, details, and justification for why the mark should be registered in his or her favor, as well as any supporting evidence. The application will be required to be published in the Trademark Journal before registration if the Trademark Examiner considers the response satisfactory and addresses all of his or her questions posed in the Examination Report.
Documents Required To File Response To Trademark Objection
For Company
✓ Trademark application receipt
✓ Power of attorney signed by the applicant
Features of Trademark Objection
FAQs of Trademark Objection
Trademark Examination is a thorough preliminary checking of Trademark Application filed in TM-A which is conducted by the examiner. If the application is objected, an examination report is sent to the Applicant or published in its Official site.
An Examiner includes any officer who is authorized with the duty of examination of Trademark Applications.
The deadline to file Trademark objection reply or Examination report is thirty days from the date of issuance of the report to the applicant or thirty days of viewing the objection status online.
The Trademark examiners appointed by Government at Trademark registry, issues the examination report.
Once you file a trademark examination reply, it might take 6-7 months for the examiner to look at the reply filed and the status will be changed after the examiner can analyze the reply filed. It does take 6-7 months for the status to be changed from objected to next step, which is acceptance or rejection.
Yes, as long as the status is shown objected the applicant is eligible to file the reply to the examiner. However, the deadline should be taken seriously.